Wednesday 25 April 2018

Opções de stock em quicken mac 2017

Quicken Home & Business 2017.

Gerente de finanças pessoais mais abrangente disponível. Conecta-se a vários tipos de contas. Interface de usuário renovada. Pagamento de contas online. Pode rastrear o valor da sua casa. Planejamento robusto e ferramentas de investimento. Dezenas de modelos de relatórios. Aplicativo para celular aprimorado.

A interface do usuário ainda parece datada. Ferramentas não coexistem suavemente. Não é possível acessar todos os dados remotamente.

Nenhum outro aplicativo de gerenciamento financeiro pessoal oferece a profundidade e a amplitude das ferramentas encontradas no Quicken, mas sua integridade pode ser esmagadora.

O Quicken existe há quase um quarto de século. Embora tenha concorrentes no espaço de gerenciamento de finanças pessoais, como Personal Capital e Mint na nuvem e Moneydance no desktop, ainda domina o campo. Simplificando, Quicken ajuda você a gerenciar todos os elementos de suas finanças pessoais: gerenciamento de contas, gastos, contas, planejamento, investimento e propriedade / dívida. A melhoria mais significativa na programação do Quicken 2017 é uma interface de usuário redesenhada, que é um aprimoramento bem-vindo. Suas inúmeras ferramentas estão escondidas um pouco mais, mas são facilmente acessíveis, na maioria das vezes.

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Existem quatro versões do Quicken 2017, cada uma das quais adiciona à funcionalidade encontrada na anterior. O Quicken Starter Edition, que custa US $ 39,99, suporta importação de transações bancárias, gerenciamento de receitas e despesas, orçamentos e pagamento de contas. O Quicken Deluxe, por US $ 74,99, adiciona recursos como planejamento de aposentadoria e um aplicativo móvel avançado. Por US $ 109,99, o Quicken Premier inclui ferramentas avançadas de acompanhamento de investimentos. E o Quicken Home & amp; Negócios (revisado aqui) é a melhor escolha para um único proprietário que precisa de categorização de transação (para imposto de renda), projeções de lucro / perda e relatórios de fluxo de caixa.

Novo visual, navegação.

Tal como acontece com outros softwares financeiros, a home page do Quicken é um painel que exibe seus números mais importantes em forma de tabela e gráfico. Você pode personalizar a visualização padrão e criar várias versões dela contendo itens diferentes da lista de algumas dúzias de opções, como Todas as contas, Calendário, Receita vs Despesas, Gráfico de valor do portfólio e Despesas relacionadas a impostos no acumulado do ano. O painel vertical esquerdo contém seus saldos de conta atuais; você pode desligar isso se preferir.

Existem duas opções para navegar entre as seções principais do programa. Você pode clicar em qualquer de uma série de guias exibidas horizontalmente acima da tela principal para acessar áreas como Gastos, Contas, Investimento e Propriedade & amp; Dívida. Ou você pode ativar menus suspensos padrão do Windows que são executados na parte superior da página.

Clique em Faturas, por exemplo, e três links de navegação aparecem acima da exibição de dados principal: Faturas On-line, Lembretes de Contas e Saldos Projetados. À medida que você clica em cada, a tela muda para refletir os dados e as ferramentas disponíveis. A tabela Lembretes de notas é uma lista de todos os lembretes que você configurou, juntamente com o status deles (vencido, próximo, automático e assim por diante) e os botões de ação que permitem inserir e editá-los. Os menus suspensos acima dessa tabela contêm opções de exibição alternativas (Pilha, Calendário e assim por diante) e permitem definir a conta e o período. Links para utilitários de Lembrete (Adicionar, Gerenciar e esse tipo de coisa) aparecem à direita.

É assim que o Quicken funciona, como um programa do Windows que usa convenções de navegação padrão. É fácil aprender e usar, e melhorou, mas ainda tem uma estética ultrapassada. Algumas ferramentas surgem em novas janelas em vez de serem perfeitamente integradas, e há uma mistura desconfortável de telas antigas e novas. É, no entanto, que os recursos acabaram de ser abordados ao longo dos anos. E eu acho que os consumidores americanos que usariam a maioria desses recursos são minoria.

Dinheiro Fora (Gastos)

O Quicken facilita a visualização de registros de todas as suas receitas e despesas. Se você fornecer suas credenciais de login para seu banco e contas de cartão de crédito, o software moverá as transações compensadas para os registros apropriados (você também pode inserir transações manualmente). Essa visualização de lista pode conter transações de todas as contas ou você pode examiná-las individualmente. O intervalo de datas para cada registro é personalizável.

O Quicken fornece uma lista de categorias (Entretenimento, Contas e utilitários e Auto & amp; Transporte, entre outras) que você pode atribuir às transações. Você pode criar o seu próprio, mas é muito importante que você use as categorias oficiais de imposto de renda para as transações que você deseja relatar sobre seus impostos. A recompensa por este trabalho detalhado vem na forma de um grande gráfico colorido que deixa claro de onde vem todo o seu dinheiro e onde você o está gastando.

Existem outras ferramentas disponíveis para ajudá-lo a monitorar suas contas. O Quicken fornece uma ferramenta de reconciliação simples para um. E quando você clicar no ícone Ação no canto superior direito, verá um menu completo de atividades relacionadas que você pode acessar a partir daqui. Você pode, por exemplo, gravar verificações e exportar dados para o Excel e criar relatórios.

Existem inúmeras aplicações de finanças pessoais que automatizam um subconjunto das tarefas que o Quicken faz. LearnVest é um deles. Você pode acompanhar receitas e despesas para saber mais sobre seus hábitos e criar orçamentos melhores. Ele também ajuda você a encontrar maneiras de atingir seus objetivos financeiros, como uma exploração de suas opções para pagar dívidas de cartão de crédito.

Outros aplicativos executam uma função principal, mas o fazem bem. O WalletHub, por exemplo, ajuda você a monitorar e analisar sua pontuação de crédito.

Pagando (contas)

Uma das primeiras coisas que você fará ao configurar o Quicken (depois de criar ou inserir sua ID de Intuit) é conectar-se a pelo menos uma conta bancária. Você pode adicionar mais tipos de conexões mais tarde, mas provavelmente desejará continuar com a conta que usará para pagar as contas. Existem três opções para essa conexão. Você pode baixar manualmente arquivos da sua instituição financeira ou configurar uma opção de atualização automática. Para pagar contas e transferir dinheiro do Quicken, você precisará usar o Direct Connect; seu banco pode cobrar uma taxa por isso, além da taxa de US $ 9,95 por mês do Quicken.

O Quicken oferece duas opções para pagar contas. Você pode criar uma conta fornecendo as informações principais; isso então se transforma automaticamente em um lembrete de fatura e aparece na lista junto com seu status (próximo, inserido automaticamente, etc.). Se você tiver um login para o site de um faturista, poderá vinculá-lo a ele, e seu valor e data de vencimento serão atualizados automaticamente quando essas informações ficarem disponíveis. Todas as transações de saída e entrada de todas as contas podem ser exportadas e importadas quando você inicia a Atualização em uma etapa do Quicken.

Se você não precisa de todos os recursos do Quicken, mas quer automatizar o pagamento de contas online, você pode considerar o Doxo. Este aplicativo baseado na Web também serve como um arquivo online para registros domésticos. Você pode enviá-los manualmente ou recuperá-los via e-mail e conexões para provedores de serviços.

O Quicken exibe um gráfico muito útil quando você clica no link Saldos projetados: um gráfico de linhas que projeta os saldos de sua conta para um período de tempo especificado com base nas contas e na receita inserida. Quando você clica em qualquer ponto que represente uma data, uma pequena janela é aberta, listando o dinheiro dentro e fora desse dia.

Olhando para frente (planejamento)

Clique na guia Planejamento no Quicken e você pode trabalhar com cinco tipos diferentes de ferramentas de planejamento. Esta é uma das áreas que diferencia a Quicken de seus concorrentes. A usabilidade e a utilidade dessas cinco ferramentas ajudam você a se preparar para seu futuro financeiro com mais detalhes do que qualquer outra pessoa. Eles são:

Orçamentos. Todos reclamam do pensamento desse elemento crítico do planejamento financeiro. O Quicken simplifica a criação de orçamentos ao inserir os dados reais que você inseriu e exibi-los por categoria (Auto e transporte: Gas & amp; Combustível, Faturas e utilitários: celular e comida / jantar: restaurantes, por exemplo) em um gráfico ou tabela, para um intervalo de tempo personalizável (mensal, trimestre a dia, etc.). Você pode selecionar as categorias que deseja exibir e criar várias versões, bem como ajustar o valor do orçamento atual e os saldos. Se você está procurando uma alternativa de desktop que realmente ensina sobre orçamentos ao longo do caminho, você pode considerar YNAB [pcmag / article2 / 0,2817,2415984,00.asp] (Você precisa de um orçamento). Mvelopes é outra alternativa, mas é bastante cara e carece da facilidade e elegância do Mint.

Redução da Dívida. Puxar dados de outras áreas do Quicken sobre suas dívidas pendentes, e você deve ser capaz de montar um plano melhor executando cenários hipotéticos, fazendo pagamentos extras únicos, alterando a ordem de pagamento, etc.

Planejador da vida. Isso usa os dois dados do Quicken e sua própria entrada para criar / avaliar um plano de aposentadoria.

Centro de Impostos. Usando os dados do Quicken e uma variedade de ferramentas, você pode ver como suas receitas e despesas se traduzem em categorias relacionadas a impostos e trabalhar durante todo o ano para minimizar sua obrigação de imposto de renda. Se você estiver usando o Quicken Home & amp; Negócios, você pode usar essa categorização e os relatórios do software (lucro / perda, fluxo de caixa, etc.) para analisar a integridade de sua empresa e preparar suas tarefas de arquivamento fiscal. Esta versão importa dados diretamente para o TurboTaxpcmag da Intuit / article2 / 0,2817,2498447,00.asp e comércio]. Outro concorrente na categoria de software de finanças pessoais, o OfficeTime, automatiza um elemento de gestão financeira de pequenas empresas (único proprietário, freelancer, etc.) que a Quicken não possui. Ele registra seu tempo faturável enquanto você trabalha e gera faturas e relatórios.

Metas de Poupança. Digite o nome da meta, o valor necessário e a data de término desejada, e o Quicken informará o quanto você precisa economizar mensalmente para alcançá-lo.

Ações, títulos e fundos (investimentos)

Aqui, também, o Quicken oferece várias ferramentas avançadas para lidar com seus investimentos. Primeiro, você pode fazer o download de seus portfólios de muitas corretoras, além de trazer dados do plano 401 (k) ou 403 (b), IRA ou Keogh, ou do Plano 529, além de listas de observação e índices. O rastreador de portfólio do software é bastante robusto e pode ser facilmente customizado e atualizado.

O investidor casual pode parar por aí, mas a Quicken continua a fornecer ferramentas mais sofisticadas que podem ajudá-lo a melhorar a rentabilidade de suas participações. Você pode visualizar gráficos de desempenho (como o valor do portfólio versus base de custo), além de gráficos que ilustram sua alocação de ativos. A ferramenta X-Ray de Portfólio da Morningstar oferece insights analíticos mais profundos sobre seus investimentos, e o Otimizador de Impostos LifeYield ajuda você a desenvolver estratégias eficientes de impostos e sugere negociações inteligentes. Você também poderá tomar melhores decisões comerciais usando a ferramenta What-if de compra / venda do Quicken e um Estimador de ganhos de capital.

Se você já usa o Quicken para gerenciar seus investimentos, não encontrará nada de novo nessa área na edição de 2017. Mas se você está procurando ferramentas excepcionais para a análise / gerenciamento de portfólio e planejamento de aposentadoria, confira o Personal Capital. Este site faz muitas das mesmas coisas que o Quicken faz de uma maneira mais coesa, perfeita e esteticamente agradável.

Casas e Outros Ativos (Propriedade e Dívida)

Há certamente valor em ficar de olho em todas as dívidas que você tem. Quicken usa gráficos personalizáveis ​​para mostrar exatamente onde você está com obrigações como cartões de crédito, hipotecas e outros tipos de empréstimos. Novo nesta área é um link para Zillow que constantemente atualiza o valor atual da sua casa.

Na estrada (dispositivos móveis e alertas)

Compreensivelmente, você não pode acessar todas as ferramentas e dados do Quicken no seu dispositivo móvel. Você pode, no entanto, verificar saldos para suas contas de caixa, cartão de crédito, cheque, poupança e investimento. Você pode inserir e editar transações enquanto monitora seu orçamento. O Quicken também oferece alertas de email e texto para avisá-lo se, por exemplo, os saldos atingiram um determinado limite ou se há gastos incomuns.

A versão para celular de 2017 agora permite que você acompanhe seus investimentos e lista de observação. Você também pode fazer algum trabalho adicional off-line, como entrada ou modificação de transação. E os recursos de pesquisa do aplicativo foram aprimorados.

Visualizações Sofisticadas (Relatórios)

A maioria das áreas do Quicken contém links para relatórios relacionados e para os principais Relatórios & amp; Centro de Gráficos. Isso inclui modelos para dezenas de relatórios e gráficos excepcionalmente personalizáveis, como Receita e Despesa por Categoria, Patrimônio Líquido e Dividendos Programados A. Ninguém oferece uma variedade tão ampla de dados organizados e concentrados. Se você tem um preparador para fazer seus impostos ou ir sozinho, você terá uma vantagem inicial ao executar os relatórios relacionados ao imposto de renda da Quicken.

Uma atualização tranquila.

Mobile é o nome do jogo atualmente, e o Quicken é grande demais para disponibilizar remotamente muitos de seus recursos. Se você está comprando um aplicativo de finanças pessoais pela primeira vez, recomendo que olhe primeiro para as melhores ferramentas gratuitas baseadas na Web: Mint e Personal Capital. Onde o Quicken tem tudo que você precisa (e muito mais, para muitos consumidores), esses dois tiveram sucesso na criação de conjuntos de recursos que respondem às perguntas mais comuns. Quanto dinheiro eu tenho? O que estou gastando? Estou com muita dívida? Posso comprar um latte / novo telefone / carro? Poderei me aposentar quando quiser? Como estão meus investimentos? Qual é o meu patrimônio?

A Mint, de fato, ganhou recentemente a Escolha do Editor como o melhor software de finanças pessoais, e merecidamente. Ele não oferece absolutamente todas as ferramentas encontradas no Quicken, mas é baseado na web, é excepcionalmente fácil de usar e responde às perguntas que você tem com mais frequência sobre seu dinheiro. Além disso, qualquer um que usasse todos os recursos do Quicken provavelmente teria um planejador financeiro humano.

Se você é um usuário existente do Quicken, não vejo motivos convincentes para atualizar para a versão 2017. A maioria das ferramentas mais sofisticadas do software existe há anos. Mas ainda é uma ferramenta excepcional para pessoas com situações financeiras complexas que não se importam de trabalhar em seus desktops, embora a interface com o usuário e a navegação possam ser um pouco chocantes para qualquer pessoa que tenha trabalhado com aplicativos financeiros baseados na Web.

Alternativas Quicken & # 8211; Existe coisa melhor?

O Quicken é um dos mais antigos e reconhecidos programas de finanças pessoais disponíveis, com mais de três décadas de história por trás dele. Mas para muitos usuários, simplesmente não o corta.

A primeira edição do Quicken foi lançada em 1983 & # 8212; muito antes de a World Wide Web ir ao vivo. Desenvolvido pelo ex-proprietário da Intuit, o Quicken era uma solução robusta de software para gerenciamento de finanças pessoais.

Mas então tudo mudou quando praticamente todos os aspectos de nossas vidas foram online.

Como Mint Edged Out Quicken.

A queda da Quicken pode ser atribuída a setembro de 2009, quando a Intuit, então proprietária da Quicken, QuickBooks e TurboTax, comprou a Mint e adicionou o site ao seu portfólio de produtos. Nos anos seguintes, a Intuit operou uma versão online do Quicken, chamada Quicken Online, em paralelo com a Mint, que oferecia um conjunto de recursos quase idêntico. No final de 2009, a Intuit anunciou que o Quicken Online seria integrado ao Mint. Este foi o primeiro grande sinal de que Quicken estava fora de moda na Intuit. E os usuários existentes do Quicken Online ficaram em situação precária, sem capacidade de migrar seus dados históricos.

Os usuários do Quicken Desktop se saíram melhor, pois o programa foi atualizado a cada ano e chegou a ser vendido para uma empresa de private equity. Mas isso não significa que é perfeito.

Por que pode ser hora de abandonar Quicken.

Há muitas desvantagens no programa de desktop da Quicken que tornam o serviço desagradável para os Millennials e outros entusiastas de finanças pessoais com experiência em tecnologia. Aqui estão algumas das desvantagens do Quicken em comparação com as melhores alternativas do Quicken:

Nenhuma atualização automática de plano de fundo. Processo desajeitado para gerenciar conexões de conta bancária. Os dados salvos no seu computador são suscetíveis a perda de uma pane no computador. Várias edições com preços mais altos para mais recursos. Alguns recursos não estão disponíveis nas versões Windows ou Mac. Versão de desktop necessária para visualizar o aplicativo do telefone. O Quicken não suporta alguns bancos e empresas financeiras que outros programas suportam. O Quicken pode ser caro, enquanto a maioria das alternativas do Quicken são gratuitas.

O único lugar que Quicken se destaca como produto mais forte é o acompanhamento de investimentos ao longo do tempo. No entanto, os recursos mais importantes para rastrear a base de custo e os impostos potenciais são incorporados na maioria dos sites de corretagem quando você faz login na sua conta.

Alternativas para Quicken 2018.

Embora existam algumas boas alternativas, a lista de aplicativos de finanças pessoais baseadas em desktop é bastante curta. Na verdade, o Quicken não tem muita concorrência. E nem todos esses serviços atenderão às suas necessidades financeiras pessoais. Por isso, é importante ler nossas análises detalhadas e determinar a melhor para sua situação.

Adicionar capacidade para inserir opções de ações e concessões de unidades de estoque restritas no Quicken para Mac.

Postado 1 ano atrás.

e pode ser selecionado quando você insere uma transação manual. Então você pode usar os comandos certos para criar a transação .. Eu ainda acho que há um problema com base de custo .. porque tem um problema com 1 opção é igual a 100 compartilhamentos. Então, eu não tenho certeza de como completa toda a informação é, mas agora para mim eu tenho sido capaz de adicionar manualmente minhas operações de opção. Eu não fui capaz de limpar as transações convertidas (eu convertido a partir da versão do Windows) No entanto, acho que uma vez que tenham expirado, a conta global reflete isso, ou seja, a opção se foi. e eu adiciono outra transação manual para contrariar qualquer aspecto aberto da transação convertida. (em muitos casos, haverá 99 ações por aí porque achava que o negócio era apenas 1). Espero que isso ajude .. melhor que eu possa descobrir neste momento.

A visão do portfólio mostra (eu transpus colunas e linhas para facilitar a entrada como texto puro):

Símbolo: ANSS 170421C00095000.

Base de custo: - $ 44922,00.

Ganho / Perda Total: +44504,00 (99,07%)

O ganho / perda total é a diferença entre o valor correto e a base de custo incorreta.

A base de custo correta é - $ 449,22 e o ganho / perda correto é + $ 31,22 (6,95%)

Como executar o Quicken para Windows em um Mac.

Executar o Quicken em um Mac foi uma experiência frustrante. Eu sou um usuário de longa data do Windows e, de fato, comecei a usar o Quicken de volta quando era um aplicativo do MS-DOS. Quando atualizei para o Windows, atualizei o Quicken também para executar o nativo no Windows. Agora que eu uso um Apple Macintosh, ainda uso o Quicken para Windows.

As razões são os inúmeros inconvenientes com a versão Quicken Macintosh:

Ciclos de Vida de Desenvolvimento Longo: Apenas a cada 3-4 anos a Quicken atualiza seu software. Recursos ausentes: em comparação com a versão do Windows, faltam muitos recursos. Software com bugs: Conforme relatado por muitos revisores na Amazon, o produto MacOS nativo é muito problemático também.

Nos primórdios da computação, a única maneira viável de executar o Windows era obter uma máquina dedicada para executar o software. Claro que isso pode ser caro e ocupar grandes quantidades de espaço na área de trabalho. Não só isso, mas também é impraticável.

Hoje você tem a opção de criar uma máquina virtual em seu Macintosh para executar outros sistemas operacionais, como o Microsoft Windows. Portanto, as vantagens são menos hardware para manter e a capacidade de executar software não disponível nativamente para o macOS da Apple.

Existem duas razões pelas quais eu faço isso:

Não há outro aplicativo alternativo viável disponível para Mac. A segurança é aumentada pela virtualização.

Maior segurança pela virtualização.

Deixe-me tocar na segunda razão com um pouco mais de detalhes. O benefício adicional de virtualizar seu software de finanças pessoais é a segurança. Ao manter o Quicken instalado em sua própria cópia do Windows (na verdade, também completamente separado do macOS), ele minimiza as chances de obter malware, vírus e cavalos de Tróia.

Isso, obviamente, pressupõe que você não execute mais nada nessa instância virtual, nem faça outras tarefas além de suas finanças pessoais. Isso é crítico. Ele protege suas finanças pessoais em uma máquina virtual que não é dedicada a outras tarefas.

Com demasiada frequência, indivíduos inadvertidamente comprometem a segurança de seus computadores, não atualizando softwares ou visitando sites com malwares que podem infectar seu computador. Ao limitar as atividades a apenas Quicken, isso diminui as chances de infecção e, portanto, aumenta a segurança de suas finanças pessoais.

Antes de você começar.

Antes de começar, verifique se o seu Mac é muito recente (não mais que, digamos, de 3 a 4 anos) e se tem pelo menos 4 GB de RAM e 30 GB de espaço disponível no disco rígido. Caso contrário, a máquina não terá recursos suficientes para executar o Windows e o Quicken ao mesmo tempo em que você deseja executar outros aplicativos nativos do OS X.

Essas etapas se aplicam não apenas ao Quicken para Windows, mas também a qualquer programa baseado no Windows que você queira executar em um Mac.

Resumo: aqui como obter o Quicken para Windows para executar em um Macintosh.

O tempo total para executar essas etapas deve ser menor que uma hora.

Etapa 1. Obtenha seu software de virtualização.

Eu pessoalmente recomendo que o VMware Fusion seja executado para as suas necessidades de virtualização. A VMware tem um longo histórico com a virtualização e você tem o benefício adicional de poder mover seu contêiner de virtualização para qualquer outra plataforma na qual o VMware é executado. Isso significa que, se você também tiver uma máquina Windows com desktop executando o VMware, poderá mover seu contêiner de virtualização e executá-lo lá também.

O Parallels Desktop for Mac é outra opção, mas eu não o recomendo porque não é tão popular. No entanto, ele tem uma funcionalidade semelhante.

Etapa 2. Instale o Microsoft Windows.

Depois de configurar o VMware Fusion, você precisa de uma cópia do Microsoft Windows. As instâncias de VMware são como máquinas barebones novinhas em folha & # 8212; eles precisam de um sistema operacional para funcionar. Tecnicamente, você precisa de uma licença legítima separada de qualquer outro computador que possua. Obtenha uma cópia da versão de 64 bits do Windows 8.1 Professional, que é a versão que recomendo a execução.

Alternativamente, você pode usar o Windows 7 ou o Windows 10, embora não haja nada no software do Quicken que precise da versão mais recente do sistema operacional da Microsoft. Todos os sistemas operacionais são suportados pelo Quicken. Embora o Windows 8.1 esteja estável, tenha sido testado quanto à segurança e tenha muitos anos de atualizações de segurança. A versão de 64 bits está disponível e é perfeitamente adequada para uso.

Se você tiver uma máquina real existente executando o Windows, é possível migrar o software do Windows e o Quicken de uma só vez. Verifique com o licenciamento para certificar-se de que todo o software é legítimo com esta transferência.

Preços Amazon para versões do Windows. Os preços listados abaixo são atualizados por hora.

Depois de instalar o sistema operacional, como em qualquer computador com Windows, verifique se você possui um software antivírus instalado.

Etapa 3. Instalar o software antivírus.

Não é amplamente conhecido, mas a Microsoft possui seu próprio aplicativo de proteção contra malware e antivírus. O melhor de tudo é grátis!

É chamado Microsoft Security Essentials. O VMware Fusion inclui o McAfee Antivirus Plus gratuitamente, mas, na minha opinião, não é tão bom e é mais intrusivo.

Baixe e instale o Microsoft Security Essentials. Depois disso, você está pronto para instalar o Quicken.

Etapa 4. Instale o Quicken.

Agora você está pronto para instalar a versão mais recente do Quicken para Windows. Eu pessoalmente recomendo o Quicken Premier 2017 para Windows. Se você quiser saber mais sobre o produto em si, leia o meu comentário sobre o Quicken.

Compre o Quicken para Windows e instale-o em sua instância virtual do Windows. Isso não é diferente do que se você estivesse instalando em um computador real.

Preços Amazon para Quicken. Os preços listados abaixo são atualizados por hora.

Etapa 5. Transferir arquivos do Quicken.

Se você estiver usando o Quicken em uma máquina Windows mais antiga, poderá transferir seus arquivos do Quicken para o novo computador virtual.

Etapa 6. Use-o!

Agora você está pronto para usar o Quicken para Windows no seu Mac! Certifique-se de manter seu software antivírus, o próprio Windows e o Quicken atualizados. Esse nível de segurança protegerá você de qualquer hacker em potencial que comprometa suas finanças pessoais e é o primeiro nível de segurança.

Leitores: Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou detalhes sobre o processo, por favor, faça um comentário.

Quer controlar dinheiro em vez de dinheiro controlando você?

Sugerido para você.

Mint Alternativas 2018 - Melhor Software de Finanças Pessoais.

Quicken 2018 para Windows Review - Agora Software Baseado em Assinaturas.

Banktivity 6 Review 2018 - O melhor software de finanças pessoais para Mac?

YNAB Review 2018 - Agora um serviço online com sincronização bancária.

Moneydance Review 2018 - Substituição Quicken para usuários de Mac.

Além do meu comentário anterior, estou executando o Windows 7.

Eu tenho um 2013 MacBook Air / 13 e # 8243; MacBook Pro com um 27 e # 8243; Exibição de raio. É a minha primeira tentativa em um Mac e eu adoro isso. Eu usei o Quicken por muitos anos e estava preocupado em usar um Mac com ele. Eu configurei com o software Parallels. Eu estava pensando em atualizar meu Quicken para o Quicken para Mac, mas aparentemente você não recomenda isso. Estou no Quicken Deluxe 2016 e posso atualizá-lo para 2017. Você recomenda isso?

Instalei o Gerenciador de propriedades de locação do Quicken 2016 em um Macbook Pro (16 GB de RAM, 400 GB de espaço em disco) usando a caixa virtual e o Windows 7 Enterprise. Eu tenho um arquivo existente que estou tentando abrir, mas não consigo passar pela janela de registro. Isso me dá uma mensagem de erro dizendo que algo deu errado.

Como faço para ignorar a janela de registro e abrir o arquivo diretamente? Eu tentei reiniciar, desligar a máquina e reiniciar o & # 8230 ;.

Larry, preciso de ajuda. Eu preciso de Quicken para casa e negócios ou um programa de Quickbooks. Eu tenho 2 empresas realmente pequenas e uma um pouco maior. Eu gostaria de algo que eu possa colocar meus cartões pessoais, poupança, cartões de crédito e pequenos negócios em um. Precisa ser amigável. meu banco usa apenas o Quicken e o Quickbooks. O problema é que eu tenho um computador Apple. O que você recomenda ? Se eu precisar baixar o Windows para MAC e, em seguida, o Quicken para casa e empresa? Eu faço o download no Chrome, Firefox ou Safari? Eu tenho todos os três que eu uso no meu MAC. Se eu usar Quickbooks, Quickbooks pode fazer todos os itens acima, pessoal, cartões de crédito, pequenas empresas, etc? Qual seria o melhor? Eu vou pedir ajuda a qualquer um que queira fazer isso hoje, obrigado!

Como você configura os atalhos do Quicken para trabalhar (por exemplo, ^ J para mostrar transações memorizadas) ao usar isso em uma configuração de paralelos? Funcionalidade de atalho Quicken parece estar faltando.

Hmmm Eu postei uma pergunta antes e eu não a vejo & # 8211; E eu tenho uma pergunta ainda mais básica agora. Qual tamanho de partição devo fazer? Eu tenho muito espaço no meu sofisticado MacBook Pro. Eu não pretendo usá-lo para mais do que o Quicken.

Eu estou (finalmente) fazendo a mudança do Windows para um MacBook Pro, então eu estava muito interessado em sua observação que "Se você tem uma máquina real rodando o Windows, é possível migrar seu software Windows e o Quicken todos de uma vez só. Verifique com o licenciamento para certificar-se de que todo o software é legítimo com esta transferência. & # 8221;

Eu tenho exatamente essa situação!

Eu cliquei no seu link e ele me levou ao site de suporte da VM.

Alguém já fez isso com sucesso? Se assim for, você daria a um viajante nervoso algumas dicas?

Algo está com a atualização mais recente do Quicken, que parece travar meu sistema C & # 8230;. & Nbsp; Eu tenho usado Quicken em uma visualização dentro do meu Mac, mas primeiro ele parou de mostrar as transações baixadas que precisam ser adicionadas e quando tentei adicionar a atualização recente para resolver este problema, ele caiu no meu sistema. Eu só posso executá-lo agora com atualização automática desativada e ainda não listar as transações baixadas para as contas. A atualização mais recente está causando problemas para outros usuários? Se estiver usando o Quicken Deluxe 2015.

Percebi que este artigo foi recentemente sem data. Eu instalei recentemente o Windows 10 em Parallels 12. (High-end 2015 iMac com a memória no máximo). Acabei de instalar o 2017 Home and Business. Eu acho incrivelmente lento. Como clique em um botão e espere 30 segundos para que algo aconteça. O único programa que adicionei ao Windows foi o Quicken. Alguma sugestão?

É lento por causa do seu computador. Infelizmente, você pode ter que atualizar seu hardware.

Há alguns usuários relatando há relativamente pouco tempo que o Quicken em execução em uma VM não faz mais o download de transações com a Atualização em uma etapa. A partir de 15/10/2016, não obtive êxito ao usar o One Step Update. Estou executando o Quicken 2017 (devido à falha do Quicken 2015 também) em um iMac usando o VirtualBox / Windows 10. Será que alguém pode confirmar o sucesso / falha da Atualização em um passo usando uma VM recentemente? Obrigado!

Eu usei o Quicken para Windows em um Mac usando o VMWare Fusion e o Windows 7 por vários anos (e o WinXP no Fusion antes disso).

Aqui está um truque Recentemente, aprendi a acelerar o Quicken 2015 e 2016 para o Windows, que às vezes são executados de forma extremamente lenta, mesmo após a reinicialização do Windows.

& # 8211; Inicie o Quicken e, se ainda não vir o Quicken, inicie o Gerenciador de Tarefas (clique com o botão direito do mouse na barra de Tarefas do Windows e escolha Iniciar Gerenciador de Tarefas ou Ctrl-Alt-Del);

& # 8211; clique na guia Processos;

& # 8211; clique com o botão direito do mouse uma vez em qw. exe na lista e, em seguida, no menu pop-up, mova o mouse para Definir Prioridade e clique em & # 8220; Alta & # 8221; no menu lateral.

& # 8211; O Windows avisará que mexer nas prioridades do processo pode tornar o Windows instável & # 8212; ignore isso, já que não estamos mexendo com processos do sistema Windows, apenas um pouco antigo qw. exe (Quicken). Saia / saia do Quicken.

Lance o Quicken novamente e veja como ele começa como um raio.

Por algum motivo, o Quicken para Windows dentro do VMWare Fusion às vezes carrega insanamente lento: no Gerenciador de Tarefas, você pode assistir a carga do processo qw. exe na memória lentamente (por exemplo, 2.493k e dois segundos depois, 2.634k até terminar em mais de 80.000k !

Eu estou olhando para executar o Quicken no Mac usando as informações que você postou acima. Você ainda recomenda o Windows 8, ou devo ir em frente e obter o Windows 10 para isso?

O Windows 8 funciona bem e ainda é suportado. Não há nada no Windows 10 necessário para executar o Quicken.

Estou usando um novo mac book pro 15 & # 8243; computador portátil. Eu não tenho uma unidade de cd / dvd. Como faço para obter uma cópia do windows para o meu top mac use com o software vmware que acabei de instalar?

Posso usar o VMware Fusion 8 ou preciso usar a versão pro do VMware Fusion 8?

O Fusion 8 funcionará bem.

Eu atualmente executo o Quickbooks Pro 2015 no meu Mac através do Parallels Desktop. Estou comprando um novo Mac em breve e pensando em usar o Bootcamp em vez do Parallels desta vez. Você acha que o QB funcionará bem com o Bootcamp? Eu tive alguns problemas de compatibilidade com os upgrades do Parallels, então espero evitar softwares de terceiros. Obrigado pelo seu tempo.

Ele vai funcionar, eu prefiro a virtualização em vez de rodar o Windows diretamente no mac.

Obrigado por seus artigos interessantes e Quicken Premier 2016. Eu também sou um usuário de longa data (mais de 20 anos) de Quicken e francamente não poderia "viver sem ele"! Eu mudei de um PC para um iMac (OS X Yosemite) e atualmente estou usando o Quicken Premier 2015 com Parallels 10 e MS 7. Estou constantemente sendo estimulado a atualizar para Q16 e Parallels 11, mas depois de ler seu comentário, eu concordo não vale a pena atualizar para o Q16. Além disso, ainda estou usando um Laptop HP quando viajo e levo uma cópia do meu programa Quicken comigo para manter minhas finanças atualizadas.

Você apontou o VMware Fusion e o MSEssential & # 8211; Vou verificar isso, pois meu Norton 360 está prestes a expirar.

Obrigado pela sua visão.

Eu usei uma versão mais antiga do Quicken no Fusion 4 por um longo tempo e fiquei completamente satisfeito com isso. Eu comprei recentemente um novo Mac Book Pro e carreguei a versão mais recente do Fusion e do Windows 8.1. Eu carreguei Quicken 2014, que era o que eu estava usando no meu laptop Dell. Quando tento executá-lo, recebo alguma distorção nas fontes. Eu tentei fontes grandes e pequenas ea impressão em meus registros é um tamanho diferente do que o painel de contas. Se eu fizer as fontes o menor que eles vão nos registradores, eu mal consigo ver a digitação do painel de contas. Se eu ajustá-lo para um tamanho satisfatório no painel de contas, os registradores têm muito a imprimir. Eu tentei paralelo e fez a mesma coisa que é por isso que eu comprei o novo Fusion. The only way I can get a satisfactory size print is by using Boot Camp which is kind of a pain. The font size can only go down to 8. I called Quicken and the person I got said they didn’t recommend using Parallel so I thought beings that Fusion had worked on my older iMac, it would work on the Mac Book Pro. I am looking for help. Have you had such an experience with the Virtual software?

We run Quicken for Mac 2007, updated to 16.2.3 to run on our Macs with OS X10.10.5. Like you, we have been running Quicken since the early 1990’s and have every financial transaction that was recordable on it – mortgage, investments, banking, and cash. Our investment portfolio is a key concern since there is history that is essential dating back to 1984, and we are now both active investors, and of the age where RMD has kicked in.

The setup you described for running Quicken for Windows seems very doable. But, one question looms, or perhaps several questions – What issues are to be expected when transferring the old database to the Windows variant?

I’m not sure I understand the question. You just move the file to the VMWare instance. From there if needed you convert the file.

Great article, thank you. Quicken for PC user since the mid 90’s.

As I love my iPad and iPhone, and my kids use Mac desktops and MacBooks I’m finally “crying uncle” and going to the Dark Side. As Apple has finally release their new Mac desktops with the latest Intel chip, Skylake, I’m goin to pull the trigger soon.

My biggest fear in the transition is the Quicken dilemma. You’ve have provided a step-by-step solution that hopefully will lead me to the promised land. Questions:

1. Is the Amazon link you provided to the Windows 7 Pro product what I should go with? There are dozens of other listings on Amazon that are less expensive but it’s all confusing when you start reading the product descriptions and reviews.

2. How do you “transfer” you Quicken files? Flash drive? Special cable? ICloud?

3. I’m terrified about trashing my new $4k Mac by loading Windows 7 as I have no idea how to “undo” missteps on a Mac. Any danger of getting into big trouble here?

Obrigado novamente. I feel the need to send you a gift!!

Hi, I have Quicken for Windows 2012 running in Parallels and want to upgrade to Windows 2015 — how do I do that online? Can I uprade into the VM without using CDs? Obrigado.

Do you think it is just as secure to store Quicken data files within Mac file system (rather than inside virtual PC) as suggested by Eric in comments below? This seems like a much better option for backing up with Time Machine since only the data files would need to be backed up, and not the full virtual machine (which would be a much larger file).

I work at an office and I’m using Quicken on Windows and my boss uses it on a virtual windows on his Mac laptop. There are no real issues expect that every time he opens it, the column widths have to be adapted because they look different on his Mac. When I open it again on my pc i always have to change all the colmuns again. That’s really draining. Does anyone know a solution for this?

As you seem to be very knowledgable about the Quicken issues – here is a question about the use of Quicken 2015 on Parallels 11 (win7) on my 2015 MacBookPro retina.

Quicke works ok so far – fonts are small/fine, but whenever I do call off my transactions on my account the window exceeds the screen size and can’t be closed anymore.

I have to force a shut down of Quicken via the toolbar to get out of this situation.

What may be the cause? DPI settings or Font settings, anything to do with the display ?

Thanks for your thoughts on this.

I’ve been working for 3 days tirelessly to get Quicken on my Mac. I just updated to OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 today so that I could install VirtualBox in order to then install Quicken. Now looks like I need to install Windows 7 professional. (Forgive my ignorance. I’m brand new to all this.) So, my question is, can I download Windows 7 professional from the microsoft website (or wherever google takes me) and then in turn make it a virtual machine via VirtualBox? I am literally starting to see cross and think I might be losing my mind slightly bc of this very tedious process that I am learning as I go. Thanks so much for any help you can give me!

Sorry I cannot help you with VirtualBox as I haven’t used it.

Larry – Muito obrigado por este artigo. Pergunta rápida. What do you recommend for VMWare processors? I’m running 1 now, but Quicken is frequently sluggish. Would 2 help? Obrigado!

Yes two but that assumes you have multiple processors on your computer.

We had Geek Squad set up our new iMAC last year with VMWare Fusion version 6 and Windows 7 Professional and they transferred our Quicken 2014 files for us – sounds like exactly what you recommend. All was working pretty well, but we kept getting Windows Not Genuine errors and eventually a virus snuck in. Come to find out we never officially bought Windows 7 Professional (the tech who did this is no longer working there). Now we can’t buy Windows 7 Professional in order to apply the activation key and get updates, security etc, so we are willing buy Windows 8.1 as recommended, but we already have Quicken 2014 for Windows installed and files transferred – how will your steps 4 and 5 change if we buy and install Windows 8.1? We are also willing to buy Quicken 2015 for Windows if necessary. Obrigado pela ajuda.

Have you had difficulty with the functionality of quicken on Fusion 7 ?

I seems to have some trouble with the drop downs with makes me wonder if it is truly compatible.

No issue at all. I suspect it’s the version of Windows you are using.

I have been having trouble finding an answer to a question that is perhaps so well understood by the Quicken community no one fees the need to answer it explicitly. So, here goes. I have years and years of data on Quicken 2007 for Mac, primarily bank account information, categories, budgets, etc. I seem to be at the end of the line for using Quicken 2007 as it doesn’t appear that it can run on Apple’s newer Mac machines. However, given my budgeting needs, I don’t see Quicken 2015 for Mac as being useful – I really need a budgeting feature that runs for 12 months. So, I’m thinking about installing Windows on my new Mac for the sole purpose of running the Windows version of Quicken with a full budgeting feature. My question is will all my data on Quicken for Mac 2007 transfer to the new Windows version, or will I lose data in the switch? Qualquer pensamento seria apreciado.

i am sick of using office for mac on my macbook air. I want to install office for windows on the VMware Fusion 6 portion of my mac. i have a USB SuperDrive. VMware seems to recognize the drive. But i get a message saying that i have to install the driver with boot camp. Can you tell me how to install this driver?

I was a long-time user of Quicken but finally gave up because of difficulties once I switched over to Mac in 2009 (I tried for several years). I’m currently using SEE software, which is ok but I still miss many features of Quicken and am excited about this possibility of using it again. I’m about to get a new iMac and macbook and would like to switch back to Quicken as well. What is the best order of transferring my current data in SEE over to Quicken on my new machines in this Virtualization scenario?

I am using Quicken Essentials for Mac on my 2009 iMac. If I purchase the latest Quicken for Windows and create a virtual environment on my Mac, 1) will my data transfer over, and 2) will I be able to download all my transactions from my different bank accounts? (I really only use Quicken to be able to create reports on spending within categories for tax prep purposes.)

I downloaded, converted the data from ‘Quicken Essentials’, validated the totals on every account and finally started to use the application as well as the IOS application. I have found that it does the same as Essentials plus more which I started using as I found it now has more detail on investments, has a bill minder feature, has somewhat improved the accounts with a somewhat different look which I like.

Overall I have found no errors in what I do (banking, savings, credit cards, loans, investments, assets) as all transferred over correctly and works together when we enter transactions. The reports transferred and work as before and have created more reports with no problems. All of my investment accounts transfered from my 401’s from inception in detail which is much better than before showing everything versus just totals.

I have started using the IOS application on my iPad and it works OK, just would like to see all my accounts including investment and assets, but maybe that will come later. Also since it is in the cloud, it would be wonderful if we had full update capability as we use the iPad on the road and it would be nice to have those transactions to reflect everything as we pay bills away from my iMac using the iPad. I know this is a big thing, but it would be nice in the future.

I guess overall I’m happy with the new Quicken 2015, but as always, there are other things that make sense for the application in the near future, especially the assets and investments, as that is a matter of simply transferring the details from the iMac into the cloud to the iPad. As to full update it would be wonderful in the future on the iPad, as we would use it to keep tabs on all accounts as they happen on the road.

Hope this helps you know how I feel about the new product. There may be many other things people want and need, but this application functions well for what I want and need.

I am having a problem with the quicken file:

1) I have installed VMWare Pro. 7.1 and Windows 8.1 on my Mac Mini.

2) Then I installed Quicken 2011.

3) I then run Quicken 2011, and ok to open the quicken file from a flash drive, which is plugged into the Mac Mini. However, once the file is opened from a flash drive, I can’t save onto the Mac Mini.

4) In addition, if the very same Quicken file is copied onto the Mac Mini, then I can’t open that Quicken file.

If anyone can give me a tip on how to solve this, would appreciate…

When I D/L Paralles (or Fusion) must I first add a partition on my iMac or does the VM software do it for me as part of the VM download process?

Virtual machines are a file on your file system. It’s not a partition.

Larry – I’ve been a devout quicken user for 20 years. I switched to Mac and a virtualized instance of the windows-based product about 3 years ago, and it’s worked like a dream.

Kudos for spreading the word.

When I got my first MacBook in around 2009, I stuck with Quicken via a virtual machine, waiting for the new Quicken for MacBook. When that turned out to be not much more than a fancy checking account, I took the time to switch to IBank, which is Mac ready, no VM.

Really great decision. I used to spend a lot of time playing around with the VM, trying to get the VM to work with my Mac, and Quicken to work with Windows on the VM. Plus I was still stuck in the Windows world for a single, albeit important, function.

My overarching drving force was that, after a continuum of ‘just wait a little longer” over and over from Intuit, they had said pretty clearly that they aren’t going to serve the Mac world. Why would anyone want to stay with them when a conversion gets you into a new and better place?

I was able to follow all of the steps above until Step 5. I now have VMWare fusion running, Windows 7 Professional installed, and Quicken for Windows 2015 downloaded. However, I am entirely unable to get my data transferred over from Quicken 2007 (Mac) to the new program. I’m operating on different machines–two different iMacs. The Quicken 2007 and its data are on the older machine and the Windows is running on my 6 month old iMac. Can you give me any tips on the file transfer? All that pulls over are the names of the accounts. I’ve tried opening both the exported QIF file (that I saved to iCloud and pulled down while inside of the Windows VM) and opening the actual backup file (.qfxm) but Windows won’t read. qfxm, only. QFX , etc. When trying to open the. qif file, I get an error message saying “the file is not in the correct format.” Can anyone help? I’m about $200 in at this point and am facing having to start from scratch and lose 10+ years of account data.

BTW–I followed the instructions in this page as literally as I could (some of its instructions may be outdated) and the QIF process, as I explained above, is not working for me:

The old version of Quicken is what version and platform?

I would like to know how to save the Quicken info from the virtual VMWare side to a folder on the IMAC side. I have Carbonite and it only saves what is on the IMAC side, the pc side is treated like another computer and requires another sign up with Carbonite.

I installed VMWARE on my new MacPro and then downloaded Windows 8 and in turn Quicken 2014. I have two issues. First, I was able to transfer all my data except for investment accounts. How do I transfer my investment accounts? Second and probably more important, the font size on the screen is either too small (accounts list, reports and most tabs) or too large. For example, the font for the listed transactions is so large that it does not fit on the screen. Is there a way to control the font size on the screen?

Hi George, Not sure how you transferred your data, it should be in one file. You can also use Quicken’s export and import function as well. There are usually subfolders as well. Everything should be copied over.

Regarding fonts there are options within the control panel to adjust the display. In addition there are some handicap options to adjust settings as well.

My MacBook Air does not have a DVD drive. Is it possible to install Windows 7 from a USB drive?

Yes it is possible. Apple does have DVD SuperDrive as an option.

I just recently installed Quicken on my Mac in a Windows Environment.

I’m having an issue setting up dowloads with the banks. When I try to initiate it, a blue box appears..seems text is hidden. I’m unable to read it. Has anyone encountered this?

I bought Windows 7 software a few years ago. On the package it states “Upgrade designed for Windows Vista”. Will that work for the purpose of running Quicken on my new Mac?

No the disks I recommend are for “bare metal” new desktop installs. The only way you could use Windows 7 upgrade disk is install Vista first.

I have a copy of Windows 7 Home Premium that I bought about 3 years ago. On the package it states “Upgrade designed for Windows Vista”. Would that work or do I have to buy Windows 8?

I am running Quicken 6 on a Windows XP machine. Would it be possible for me to run this on my two-year-old IMAC with Mavericks? Your article was great and addressed my questions about running Windows on my MAC.

Muito obrigado pelo artigo!

Hi: I could really use some advice if anyone can help. Last week I followed the exact steps in this article to install Quicken 2014 on my iMac (OS X Lion, 10.7.5, 4 GB Ram, plenty of storage). I used VM Ware Fusion and Windows Pro 7. Everything was running smoothly (albeit slowly), until I tried to print checks from Quicken. The checks printed with teeny-tiny, almost minuscule font and the actual language/numbers that printed were scaled down so small that they weren’t on the check itself but rather on the memo portion of the page (I was using voucher checks, with one check at the top of the page and the rest of the page is a memo/recording area). I fiddled with every potential setting change on Quicken, and was on the phone with a Quicken customer rep for almost 3 hours!! Nothing fixed the problem. I even uninstalled and reinstalled Quicken. The Quicken rep said there was nothing else he could do to help and said the problem might lie with the fact that I was running Quicken on a virtual machine. I’m going to try to uninstall and reinstall my printer driver this morning to see if that helps, but if it doesn’t, I’m not sure if there’s any other way to fix this. Please, any help would be most appreciated!!

Hi, I’m so glad I found you. Considering transferring over to Mac from PC and biggest reason not to was quicken. Now I see there is a solution. My PC is near the end of its life, I have XP and would want to transfer everything on it (word, excel, quicken, pics, music, etc…).

I have a few Qs.

1) Can I buy windows 8 for the Mac and transfer from the XP docs, or is there an interim step?

2) Larry suggests only using Quicken on the virtual thingy, so will the transferring of PC docs go into the Mac programs or be in the windows area? Sorry I’m not super ted savvy with transferring etc…

3) I really like Outlook, although my 2003 version is really messed up and one of the reasons for these changes. Any recommendations here? Do you suggest I transfer to another calendar or buy Outlook for Mac? Of course money is a consideration with all of this.

Thanks so much for any help.

To answer your questions Kate,

2. I’m not sure I understand the question.

3. I would suggest staying native within OS X if possible. Apple Mail, Contact and Calendar can be a full replacement to MS Outlook. It is possible to get Outlook in a Mac though especially if you are interfacing with an MS Exchange server.

Great thread! Recently (two years) made the switch from pc to iMac (mid ’11, 21.5′, upgraded to Mavericks). I set up for Quicken 12, and Quickbooks for NonProfits on a Fusion V5.0 VMWare virtual machine exactly as in this thread..transition was flawless. Since the Mavericks upgrade, even before, load speeds for all three programs..VMF, W7, and Quicken are slow..4-5 minutes at least. Need speeding up advice! Should I upgrade to Fusion V.6.0? Should I cold start daily? Don’t run the Mac side when using either Quicken, or QB (never run these two at once)? Running 4GB memory, 2 each to OSx and W7..thanks!

After i install VMware Fusion 6 & Microsoft Security Essentials, can I use Windows XP 2002 and Quicken Deluxe 2013? Or do I have to buy Windows 7 or 8 and Quicken 2014 Premier?

While Quicken should run on Windows XP, the question is do you want to use it? The reason is Windows XP has reached it’s EOL (End Of Life) and is no longer supported by Microsoft.

So that means no security updates.

Do you want to go through all of the setup and run a potentially insecure version of Windows with your financial information on it?

I run VMware. The files are in the Mac file system and they are accessible from Windows. However you should run a virus checker in Windows.

Thanks for the advice – muito útil. Would the quicken data file need to sit on the virtual machine along with the software or I can still keep the data file on the Mac and just have the virtual machine open the data file when I use Quicken? If it has to be on the virtual machine, what are the security issues?

for what it’s worth, I run this same setup, but I use parallels. parallels is able to see my mac file system, so it’s great: I keep my quicken data files in a folder on the mac, which in turn in inside a dropbox folder!

so quicken on paralells runs, opens that data file and works with it… when quicken is finished, dropbox notices the file has updated and syncs. this way I always have a current (and instant, on-the-fly) backup of my quicken data.

This is a great thread as I have been searching for this exact solution for running Quickbooks for PC on a Mac. The video on VMFusion’s website shows how using a cable you can easily transfer everything from your old PC to a Mac, including Windows. This may be an elementary question but after doing so would using your old PC violate Windows licensing?

More than likely yes.

This was concise, helpful and a wonderful solution to my “finally moved the entire family to Mac Airs” problem. I hated losing Quicken (since 1996!) and now…I haven’t! Followed your instructions and everything works like a charm. Obrigado!

I now have Quicken running on my Windows virtual machine on my MacBook Pro. But the program seems to have forgot how to categorize transactions I download from my bank. What can I do to get it to re-learn the categories?

Obrigado! I have been running 2 machines – the mac I really want to be on, and an old Dell – for a couple of years – specifically and only so I could keep using Quicken. Major time waster. Found your article, followed the process and my quicken is running in a virtual environment on my mac.

So cool. Thank you.

I have installed VM Ware, Windows 8 and running Quicken Premier 2012 on my Macbook Pro but it is very slow. Alguma sugestão?

I don’t know your CPU and memory specs, but Windows itself is slow from my experience. I have a brand new Mac Pro and Windows 7 can still take 60 seconds to boot, compared to 10 seconds for OS X.

Make sure Windows only has the basics and all other services/apps not needed are disabled.

Make sure you aren’t running any other apps in native OS X.

My CPU is 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo and memory is 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3.

How much memory and CPUs are allocated to the instance? Should be at least one and 2GB of ram, with maybe 3GB if nothing else runs in OS X.

I have not been able to determine how to check or adjust that. It must be in VM Ware and not part of disk tools on the Macbook Pro? It is running much better with all other Mac Apps closed.

VM Ware “is” the windows machine… so if you want to adjust the amount of memory in your windows machine (which is then available to windows OS and to quicken) you would adjust settings in VM Ware.

Great thread! I’ve spent weeks and weeks trying to transfer my Windows 7 PC (including Quicken) to a MacBook Pro using VM Ware. Tried doing it via Ethernet, and that failed. Finally was able to convert the PC to a VMware file, but even after I deleted a lot of stuff from my PC, the file is still 90 GB. I transferred it to an external hard drive, but the file is too large to copy onto my MacBook (which only has a 120 GB hardrive) with the free space available. Now I’m working with VMware Fusion tech support (very helpful) to figure out how I can put the PC virtual machine on my portable hard drive and run it from there. Waiting for a callback. Wonder if I should have gone the CrossOver route?

Hello, I have a macbook and am running Windows 8 Pro thru Parallels. Just purchased Quicken Home & Business 2014 and it will not install. Any thoughts on how to get it loaded and running?

What’s the error message? I don’t know if this is something specific to Parallels.

“Quicken install launcher was unable to open\\psfQuicken2014disk1setup. exe”

I had a similar issue. I had to end up “mounting” the CD/DVD drive inside of windows, so that windows thought it was running the quicken installer directly off the quicken DVD. does that make sense? I couldn’t just run parallels and open the installer on the DVD image that it showed there… I had to make sure Windows thought it had a real DVD drive attached (via Parallels options) and then it automatically ran the quicken installer off the DVD and installed.

Following your instruction, installed VMWARE fusion 6, WindowsProf 64 bit & Quicken Premier 2013 to my MacBookPro without a problem. Am getting a Low on memory warning pop up window when I run Quicken and application is running much slower than I had hoped. Mac has 4MB Ram, but when I check memory on Windows, it shows machine has only 1MB Ram. Sugestões? Obrigado.

Hi Irv, you could try adding/removing memory to the virtual instance. Try 256MB increments. 2GB should be more than enough though with a 4GB machine I wouldn’t go any higher and make sure you aren’t running much other processes on your Mac when running the instance.

I’ve been using Parallels with Q11 with no problems at all. I received a letter from Quicken saying that Q11 will not be able to upload banking info after this year. So I bought Q14 and tried everything to install it without success.

Should I try VM Fusionware instead of Parallels?

Currently have TurboTax Home & Business on my MacBook. I want to install Quicken Home & Business through Parallels Windows 8. Will both programs talk to each other?

Yes if they are installed on the same virtual instance.

I have a licensed version of Windows XP professional, can that be used to run Quicken 2014 on a Mac?

Hello…has anyone ran this set up with windows/Mac in Canada?

Or would you recommend leaving quicken on a PC ?

I recently purchased a MacBook Pro with retina display running Maverick. I installed VMware Fusion version 6.2 and Quicken Premiere 2014. Everything seems to work fine with one exception. When I try the one step update I get a smaller window titled “Activate Windows”. Unfortunately the window is a solid blue box. I presume that there should be fields there to enter activation data. Apparently without activation software updates to Quicken, among other things, will not be applied.

Has anybody experienced this problem? Obrigado.

Hi, Would you please share how did you install the quicken CD in Mac pro retina? Retina does not have CD drive. I tried to insert this quicken window cd in another mac, but was rejected out right away. How did you even do the installation? obrigado.

You need to purchase an Apple MD564ZM/A USB 2.0 SuperDrive.

Another way to do this is to use CrossOver. It allows you to run Windows programs seamlessly in OSX on the Mac without having to actually install Windows. I have not tried Quicken 2014, but it works flawlessly for Quicken 2011 and MS Project on my MacBook Air. These are the two Windows programs I cannot live without. Crossover is around $60 which is comparable to Parallels / VMware but saves the cost of a Windows purchase. Highly recommended solution to the problem of having to run just a few Windows programs. And they are able to access all the OSX filesystem too, so I organize my Project and Quicken data files right in with my mac files.

To clarify for other readers, CrossOver uses Wine (winehq/), which tries to be compatible with the Windows libraries. While it may work in previous and even the current version of Quicken it’s always possible an update of Quicken to break. For virtualization, I personally prefer the container method which to any software is the same as a real physical computer. This is not only for reliability, but more importantly security.

Hi my PC has a terrible virus and all my word and photos and Excel files are dead. Quicken 2011 is still working and I have backed it up. I am thinking of going out and buying a Mac just because of the virus situation. It sounds like it crossover would be a better option for me if viruses are my primary concern. Isn’t this true? Why would I Build a pc World within a Mac and submit my Quicken system to the possibility of viruses once again? I am not clear on this please help! Or maybe I should just go ahead and purchase the new Quicken 2015 for Mac after I buy the Mac. I basically just use Quicken for its checkbook function and for reconciling and for writing checks. I don’t even download directly from my bank. I do not use the investment functions. Would I be able to transfer all my data from my Quicken 2011 for PC to Quicken 2015 for mac and what do you think are the best options for me?

Perhaps using Mint or Personal Capital makes more sense?

The thing with virtualization is you only run Quicken on it and not surf the web, or install other applications (in addition making sure you have the latest anti-virus and updates). If you do this the security risks are minimal.

New CrossOver update was released this week specifically to provide Quicken2014 compatibility. The company seems pretty responsive and the email they sent me acknowledges that Quicken users are a large part of their customer base. I therefore expect that they will continue to support new Quicken releases. Glad there are options like this as well as VMWare.

I tried it with Quicken 2015 and it simply didn’t work. As I recall, program wouldn’t even load. That was several weeks ago as of the date I’m posting this comment, which is 3/4/15. I don’t know when this article or these comments were posted, as nothing is date-stamped.

It is possible to run Quicken through Crossover with having to leave the DISK in at all times?

Larry is correct that CrossOver is a Wine bottle approach. I have been extremely pleased with Quicken and Project and results definitely exceeded my expectations. CrossOver has a useful ranking of compatibility on their website and I noticed as updates came out these tend to increase, especially for popular programs. I do also run antivirus and antimalware on my mac which although of limited value today may be important in the future should more mac-specific viruses emerge. Not running Windows was one of the security approaches I decided to take – even a Windows VM installation that only runs Quicken still has to go onto the Internet to download data.

I currently run quicken run a couple of windows based computers. I just transfer the data files between the computers. If I buy a Mac and do what you describe above, can I run Quicken on the Mac and then transfer the data file to my windows computer and still run it there? Obrigado.

Sim. A virtualized Windows machine for all purposes is a real machine.

Is it possible to use Quicken’s on-line back up within windows on the mac? Have had no luck installing the on-line back up software on my mac.

IMHO Time Machine is pretty easy to use and setup. There are third party backup solutions such as Carbon Copy Cloner.

With VMWare Fusion you can take images of the state of your instance (which includes Quicken files). Though that’s still on the same machine. My recommendation is either use the backup built into Quicken, or backup to some remote network drive. There are a multitude of ways you can backup your instance within OS X (whole instance), or file system (within Windows itself).

Another option can be cloud backup services.

Hope this help. s.

How cumbersome is Quicken for Windows to use after installation?

Is it as easy and clicking on the Quicken icon to open, or do you have to open VMware, then Windows, then Quicken?

In fact if you suspend your VMWare instance (which I always do), the boot up process is much faster than regular windows. Let me add the other added benefit of using VMWare is creating backups of your data via images.

You do have the ability to make Windows apps like Quicken run like they are native within OS X via the Unity option of VMWare. Though personally I’m not a fan of it and prefer a separate window for running my Quicken/Windows instance.

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Quicken For Mac 2017 – It’s Getting There.

Quicken 2017 for Mac is here and may finally be the Quicken that Mac users have been demanding for years with a fully functional Bill Pay, new interface and enhanced reporting features. After many years of having to endure an inferior product on OS X, Quicken for Mac is now finally much closer to the Windows version although shortcomings still remain. The fact that Intuit recently sold Quicken to H. I.G Capital in March has definitely breathed new life into a woefully neglected product by Intuit who were unable or simply unwilling to bring Quicken for Mac up to speed with the Windows version leaving many Mac users switching to increasingly popular Quicken alternatives such as Personal Capital. With more investment in the Mac version and a new dedicated Quicken for Mac product manager however, the new owners seem to be putting more effort into Quicken for Mac. After the disappointment of Quicken 2015 and Quicken 2016 on Mac, Quicken has delivered a Mac version of Quicken that’s considerably closer to the Windows version so here we take a closer look at Quicken 2017 for Mac.

What’s New In Quicken 2017 For Mac?

In a nutshell, the most significant improvements in Quicken 2017 for Mac can be summarized as:

The introduction of a fully functional Quicken Bill Pay like in the Windows version of Quicken A Modernized and Standardized Interface comparable with the Windows version Enhanced Budgeting (12 month budgets, although this was also introduced in an update to Quicken 2016), Investment and Reporting features A More Powerful Mobile App.

We’ll now look at these improvements and some of the shortcomings that still remain in more detail.

Quicken Bill Pay Is Finally Here.

After Mac users were let down by a lite version of Bill Pay in Quicken 2016 for Mac, it seems that the new product development team at Quicken have finally listened to the complaints of Mac users and added a fully functional Quicken Bill Pay for Mac in Quicken for Mac 2017. Bill Pay is arguably the most requested feature in Quicken for Mac after it was inexplicably removed from Quicken 2007 for Mac and for that alone, will be worth the upgrade for many users. The enhanced Bill Pay in Quicken 2017 for Mac means that Mac users can finally pay their bills from most banks within Quicken, including small and regional banks.

The Bill Payment Services are provided by the same handlers as on Windows – Metavante Payment Services – and Bill Pay works just as well on Mac as on Windows now. Quicken Bill Pay on Mac also allows you to transfer funds between accounts at the same bank and pay all of your bills, just as on Windows. Note that there are bound to be some banks and institutions that still don’t work with Quicken Bill Pay (some may also charge application approval fees) but this is often due to problems on the bank’s side and not Quicken so you should always check with your financial institution first to make sure it is supported. Quicken claims to be supported by 14,500 different financial institutions though so it’s safe to say, you should be fine. Even when it is supported, you should still be careful with it when making bill payments as payments can fail for no apparent reason without any kind of notification and it’s often hard to work out if the problem is on the bank’s side or Quicken’s side.

Note that Quicken Bill Pay isn’t free as you must pay subscription for it. Quicken Bill Pay currently costs $9.99 per month for the first 20 payments with every 5 payments after that charged at $2.49 per batch. Quicken Bill Pay also includes Direct Connect Bill Pay (which was already included in Quicken 2016 for Mac) and supports around 450 financial institutions.

New Interface.

The most notable visual change to the Quicken 2017 for Mac interface is not only a fresher, newer OS X style look but it’s now consistent with the Windows interface. Before, switching from Quicken for Windows to Quicken for Mac was more confusing than it should be, partly due to the fact that the interfaces were quite different. As a result, it’s now much easier to migrate between platforms.

For example, this is how the new look Quicken 2017 for Mac Home tab looks:

And this is the same screen on Windows:

Quicken 2017 also looks sharper than previous versions of Quicken too, partly due to the fact that it’s finally been optimized for high resolution displays also.

In general, Quicken 2017 does a much better job of bringing all of your essential data together in one place via the Home tab than previous versions. It’s now easier to see the state of your checking, savings, credit cards, investments, retirement, loans in one place. All of this information is updated in real time as Quicken updates it from your financial institutions.

While Quicken has definitely made the interfaces on Quicken for Mac and PC more similar however, the range of features is still not the same on Mac as it is on Windows (more on this later). In addition, the Mac interface still isn’t as easy to customize as on Windows – simple dragging and reshaping of reports and transactions is very limited compared to Quicken for PC.

Importing Files.

The first thing you’re likely to want to do after installing Quicken 2017 is import a file. You can import data from previous versions of Quicken including Quicken For Mac 2007 – 2016, Quicken Essentials, and Quicken for Windows. However, this isn’t all plain sailing depending on the version of Quicken you want to import from.

When you start Quicken 2017 for the first time, you’ll be presented with the import options: Start a new account from scratch, Quicken 2015 & 2016 for Mac, Quicken Essentials, Quicken Mac 2007, Quicken Windows or a. QIF file from another financial software for Mac.

If you’re importing from either Quicken 2015 for Mac or Quicken 2016 for Mac, you should have no problems. Just make sure all your accounts are up to date in either Quicken 2015 or Quicken 2016 and Quicken 2017 will automatically convert and import your accounts in their entirety and accurately. If you’re importing from Quicken Essentials, Quicken 2017 will also import everything including all accounts, transactions, tags, budgets, bill reminders, investing accounts etc. However, since Quicken 2017 for Mac has supports considerably more features such as more detailed investment tracking of lots as well as holdings), it may be easier to start from scratch and then re-add investing accounts manually.

Importing from Quicken 2007 is another story however. Although most account data will import, budgets and transaction attachments do not. There are also features that were part of Quicken 2007 that aren’t part of Quicken 2017 that will not import including loan amortization schedules, home inventory, emergency records data, explicit lot assignments and securities watch lists. The absence of loan amortization schedules in Quicken 2017 is a particularly disappointing oversight as it seems crazy that you can’t easily track something as simple as mortgage repayments or car loans in a personal accounting software for Mac as big as Quicken. In addition, at the end of the import you’ll need to reestablish all of your online banking downloads by going to “Accounts > Setup transaction download”.

There are even more issues when importing Quicken for Windows 2010 files or higher. All account data will import except budgets and transaction attachments. And again, features that are not part of Quicken 2017 for Mac including loan amortization schedules, home inventory, emergency records data, explicit lot assignments, securities watch lists, address book and lifetime planners won’t import. Quicken has confirmed that ESPP and Incentive Stock options will transfer but only as a standard holding without tax related information such as strike prices. In addition, Quicken Windows Rental Property Manager users won’t be able to import property specific data (tenants, rents etc) and Quicken Windows Home and Business will not be able to import business specific invoicing data. And finally, as with importing Quicken 2007 data, you’ll need to re-establish online banking downloads manually again.

Confusingly, if you buy Quicken 2017 from the Mac App Store you will need to convert Quicken for Windows files first on a PC and convert from a Quicken Data File (QDF) to QXF format before you can import them into Quicken 2017:

Finally, the QIF import feature is for if you want to import your accounts from Quicken alternatives for Mac such as Bankitivity (formerly iBank). If you want to import data from other personal finance software such as Bankitivity, Microsoft Money or MoneyDance, you simply need to export it in QIF format first and then import it into Quicken 2017 (if you’re interested in running MS Money on your Mac by the way, you can find full instructions how to install Microsoft Money on Mac here.)

Whichever method you choose for importing, it can take a while depending on the size of your accounts but you can expect something in the region of around one minute for every year of accounts you are importing. You should always make sure the accounts you are importing are up to date and always check the account balances afterwards to make sure they are the same.

In general, the import tool works efficiently with some manual cleanup needed but as you can see, it very much depends on which software you’re importing from. The inability to import certain things from Quicken for Windows either due to technical issues or simply because those features are not available in Quicken 2017 for Mac is disappointing and will no doubt infuriate some users.

Connecting Accounts Online.

The next thing most people do is connect Quicken to their bank account. Quicken connects three ways depending on the system your bank supports: Quicken Connect (Express Web Connect on Windows), Direct Connect and Web Connect. The good news is that also seems to have been significantly improved in Quicken 2017. There is a slight difference between each method though as you can see below:

Previously, connecting to and downloading data from financial institutions could either be highly unreliable or resulted in messed up account ledgers, broken connections and general headaches. We tried with a SunTrust account and syncing was surprisingly smooth and credit card, savings and current accounts downloaded and synced with Quicken 2017 correctly. You will have to do some manual renaming of accounts but in general, the online bank account syncing compared with previous versions works far better. However, we’ve heard mixed reports for Wells Fargo but the good thing is that the Quicken for Mac team are proving surprisingly responsive at investigating and fixing issues with specific banks (see the “Updates To Quicken For Mac 2017” section below).

Quicken 2017 categorizes transactions and makes it easier to see where your money is going. You can choose to view spending by category or over time to help you keep tabs on where your cash is being spent. Spending year-on-year comparison reports were one of the most requested features in Quicken for Mac and they’ve now finally been added in Quicken 2017. Quicken also tries to help soften the blow of bills via Bill Reminders which show you the impact of of forthcoming bills before you get them to help you make sure you’ve got enough funds to cover them or avoid late fees or overdraft costs. One other neat addition to Quicken for Mac is the Spending Cloud which shows via words where the majority of you’re money is going – the bigger the word appears in the Spending Cloud, the more money you are spending on it. Useful if you just want to see what’s costing you the most without needing to see the amounts or dates of transactions. You can also setup Spending Alerts which are triggered when a large purchase or certain balance has been reached to make you more aware of spending in real time. These appear at the top of your Dashboard and can also be sent to you via email. It’s also now possible to use tags and categories to filter spending reports and see sub-totals for those tags and categories which hasn’t been a feature of Quicken for Mac since Quicken 2007 for Mac. Quicken 2017 also now allows you to export category and tax summary reports to CSV.

Investment tracking has been enhanced in Quicken 2017 for Mac allowing you to organize and optimize your investment portfolio with more detailed, lot-level investment tracking. You can quickly see your investment transactions and realized gain and view a Schedule D report to see short-term or long-term profit and losses. The ability to view Portfolios by statement date (Portfolio time machine) was missing from Quicken 2016 and is another addition to the 2017 edition. In Quicken 2017 for Mac, you can also sync your investment holdings to the Quicken mobile or tablet app to see your portfolio and monitor changes throughout the trading day. If you need to, you can still download holdings, balances, and transactions in Quicken 2017.

You can sync your online investment accounts with Quicken 2017 for Mac but we do recommend checking whether your investment institution supports it. For example, investment house T Rowe Price does not support Quicken for Mac because it requires betters support for single-mutual fund accounts.

One of the other most wanted features in Quicken 2016 was 12 month budgeting. This was another inexplicable abscence from Quicken 2015 for Mac and Quicken 2016 for Mac but has finally been added to Quicken 2017. The 12-month budgeting tool helps you to setup a realistic 12-month budget based on your spending history. You can then tweak and customize your budget and set budget goals until you’re satsified with something you think you can stick to. The Budgeting tool will then track your progress throughout the year and you can check it any time to see how you’re doing via the Quicken mobile app.

Report Types.

There are several new report types in Quicken 2017 for Mac compared to previous versions of Quicken on Mac and the reporting capabilities have been enhanced. Most reports you can filter by account, category, payee, date and tag (called “classes” in Quicken 2007 for Mac) and then save your customized reports. Reports possible in Quicken 2017 include:

Account Summary Activity Last Month Activity This Month Calendar (with reminders, transactions, and balances) Cash Flow/Projected Balanced Forecast Chart Category Summary Report (Spending by category) Tag Summary Report (Spending by tag) Year over year category, payee and tag comparison reports Net Income Graph Net Worth Over Time report Payee Report Spending Cloud Report Spending Over Time Tax Schedule reports (Schedule A, B, C, D). You can also add customized categories for any other federal tax schedule, such as Schedule E.

Although some account “views” are not included as “reports” in Quicken 2017, you can choose different views to reveal things such as a 1 month and 12 month budgets as well as an Investment Performance views to show portfolio value, cost basis, and gains. You can generate reports from any day of the year via the Quicken calendar too.

Quicken 2017 Goes More Mobile.

Quicken 2017 features an upgrade to the free Quicken Mobile App for both iOS and Android. The iOS mobile app works on iOS 8.0+ and Android 3.0+ – Blackberry but Windows Phones are not supported. Any new transactions or changes you make on your mobile device are still automatically synced with the desktop version but users now have slightly more detailed account information at their fingertips. Editing data is still extremely limited compared to the desktop app although you can still take photos of receipts and sync them with the desktop app. The Quicken mobile app is probably most useful for tracking investments and transactions or searching transactions, checking, savings and credit card purchases on the go.

For the first time, you can also now see a full history of your transactions when you sync data with the desktop version of Quicken 2017. This is particularly useful for investment holdings as you can sync them to see your portfolio and monitor trading fluctuations and movement throughout the day.

Finally on iOS, Quicken has also introduced fingerprint ID in the mobile app for faster and more secure access. In fact, security in general has been enhanced in all Quicken 2017 products with two factor authentication introduced.

Despite these improvements, the Quicken mobile app is still very limited whether you’re a Mac or Windows user. Basic information such as cash flow and credit card transactions are better organized and accessible but other useful data such as scheduled transactions and loan data is still not accessible for some reason.

What’s Missing?

There’s no doubt that Quicken 2017 for Mac is a step forward but frustratingly, it still lacks behind the Windows version in terms of features. There are several financial features still missing compared to the Windows version too, most of which we highlighted earlier when looking at problems importing Quicken for Windows files into Quicken 2017 for Mac. The most notable missing features include debt reduction and savings plans, portfolio analysis, investment tax analysis, loan amortization schedules, forecasting, lot management, multi-currency support and some budgeting features. There’s still no QuickMath, basic profit and loss or balance sheet reports available and investment reports, IRR, ROI and investment allocation views are all missing. There’s also a lack of automated features compared to the Windows version such as automatic reconciliation, automatic backups and automatic linking of online bills so that you can easily see the due date and amount due in Quicken. Finally, although it’s not an essential feature, you still can’t access.

It’s hard to understand why many of these quite basic features still aren’t part of the Mac product, especially something as essential as loan amortization in a personal finance software such as Quicken. Another shortcoming for home owners is that Quicken for Windows users get automatic updates of their home values, which gives a more up-to-date overview of their net worth whereas Mac users don’t since home valuation isn’t part of the product. It is possible that Quicken will add these features via updates to Quicken 2017 for Mac over the next few months as Quicken are at least allowing Mac users to vote on features they’d like to see added to Quicken 2017 for Mac.

Quicken product availability in general for Mac users still remains very limited however and it’s hard to see that changing anytime soon. Windows users can also use Quicken Premier, Quicken Home & Business and Quicken Rental Property Manager alongside Quicken 2017 but none of these program are even available to Mac users.

If you do encounter a problem with Quicken 2017, the good news is that they’ve finally provided phone support. Previously, Quicken for Mac help was online Live Chat only and notoriously poor. The fact that you can now speak to someone (based in the USA too) is long overdue and shows that Quicken has again listened to the deluge of complaints from Mac users about previous versions. You can contact Quicken support on 1-888-311-7276 Mon–Fri 5am-5pm PST.

How To Get Quicken 2017 For Mac.

Quicken 2017 for Mac was originally launched on the Mac App Store for $74.99 although due to strong competition from Amazon, Quicken slashed 40% off until January 10th 2017. It’s now back at it’s original price of $74.99 from the Mac App Store but the good news is you can get it from Amazon for as little as $43.71 although it’s frequently out of stock.

Note that if you buy the Mac App Store version, due to technical limitations you’ll have to convert Quicken Windows files first on a PC before you can import them whereas the Amazon version does not have this restriction. The Quicken mobile app for iPad and iPhone is still free.

Although there is no Quicken 2017 for Mac free trial, you do get a 60 day money back guarantee if you’re dissatisfied. Quicken promise free feature updates until September 2017 (after which presumably you’ll have to update to Quicken 2018) and free support and security updates up to April 2020. You can also install one purchase of Quicken 2017 on three different Macs under the same license. The system requirements for Quicken for Mac are OS X 10.10 Yosemite or higher including OS X 10.11 El Capitan and OS X 10.12 Sierra. Note that Quicken for Mac is the only version of Quicken available for Mac: Quicken Starter Edition, Quicken Deluxe, Quicken Premier, Quicken Home & Business and Quicken Rental Property Manager are all Windows only products.

Updates to Quicken for Mac 2017.

In previous releases of Quicken for Mac, bug fixes and updates to the product were few and far between but since the takeover by H. I.G. Capital, updates to Quicken for Mac 2017 have been much faster. In fact within a few months of the original release, Quicken for Mac 2017 was already updated with fixes and new features, most of which have been demanded by users.

Update 4.3 was released a few months after the release of Quicken 2017 for Mac and included:

Custom report drill down: Click on numbers in a custom report to see the transaction details that make up that number. 12-Month budget printing & currency: Basic 12-Month budget printing plus ability to set currency. Transfer shortcut feature: Brought back from Quicken 2007 for Mac and already in Quicken for Windows. Allows you to enter a transfer in the category field by typing a bracket “[“. Enables you to hide the Transfer field so it doesn’t take-up space.

There were also some bug fixes including a schedule transaction bug fix, report payee filter fix, custom report bug fixes and bug fixes that caused double counting of cash accounts in investments.

More recently, the latest update to Quicken 2017 on Mac (Update 4.4.1) was released and now includes:

New Transaction Sidebar Indicator: After updating connected accounts, a blue dot now appears on the sidebar, next to all accounts on the sidebar that have new transactions. Auto-Backup: Much demanded feature to backup files (five at a time) to a designated location after logging out of the app. You can’t choose how many backup copies yet though. Orange Pencil Fix: You can mark items in orange pencil as removed and delete them. Export or Copy Reports: You can now export or copy the comparison or summary report to a spreadsheet which makes it a bit easier to analyze the data or print it. Deactivate Auto-Opening Splits: Ability to turn off auto-opening of splits in the registers or the reconcile screen. Report Comparison Customization: You can now more easily compare the current and previous period including quarterly and monthly. New Total Column: The summary report now has a much demanded Total column.

This was closely followed by a critical 4.4.2 update on January 13th 2017 in anticipation of an update to Quicken cloud to ensure continued compatibility with Quicken for Mac. The latest update was a bug fix update 4.4.3 on 25th January 2017 including a fix for a non-standard character problem with online bill payments. However, it should be noted that Cloud syncing can still be temperamental on Mac with Quicken sometimes unable to setup syncing for accounts:

In general, the rapid speed at which Quicken has rolled-out these free updates to Quicken on Mac seems like an encouraging and long overdue effort by the company to finally start responding to Mac users with the same level of support that Windows users already enjoy. Note that those who purchased Quicken from Amazon or direct from Quicken will be able to get updates quicker than those who purchased via the Mac App Store which has to approve all updates before pushing them to users. You can read the full update history and release notes of Quicken 2017 for Mac here.

To get a good overview of the most important features, functions and updates covered in this Quicken for Mac 2017 review, we recommend also watching the video below.

And Finally: Is Quicken Moving To A Subscription Payment Model?

One final thing to be aware of is that Quicken 2017 could be the last version of Quicken that you can buy with a one off payment in the USA. The Canadian version of Quicken 2017 was released shortly after the US version and is exactly the same but with the crucial difference that it is subscription payment only. In addition, Quicken stated in the FAQ for the product that all future Quicken products will be subscription payment only although after a substantial outcry from the Quicken community, it later revised this to specify it was referring to Quicken Canada products only. The FAQ does go on to state however that if Canadian users don’t renew the subscription every year, they will no longer be able to update their accounts using Quicken and the application will become read only on both Mac and PC.

This is obviously an important move that Intuit has quietly slipped into the Canadian version and it remains to be seen whether it will be rolled out in the US version. There has been a considerable outcry by Quicken users about this move and you can read more about Intuit’s decision to make future versions of Quicken subscription payment only here. If this is a deal breaker for you, check out our guide to the best Quicken for Mac alternatives as there are some excellent equivalents to Quicken on Mac such as the free version of Personal Capital.

If after reading this you still want to use the Windows version of Quicken on your Mac, then also check out our article on the The Best Way To Run Windows On Mac.

Quicken 2017 review.

As a daily Quicken 2016 Premier user, I upgraded to Quicken 2017 this week. The changes aren’t very significant but I chose to upgrade anyway and take a look. So here’s my Quicken 2017 review with my thoughts about the latest version. I’ve also updated my Income Portfolio Morningstar X-Ray and Credit Score too.

Enhanced mobile app features including investment tracking and offline use. No significant new functionality but it still does most of what you’ll need. Using Quicken requires at least a new purchase every three years for online connectivity. Updated user interface with a more modern look and support for higher resolution screens.

Quicken 2017 – what is it?

Quicken 2017 is the latest upgrade to one of the few remaining desktop finance applications for PCs & Macs. One newer competitor is MoneyDance. Other cloud-based alternatives (Mint, Personal Capital, etc) are very popular and growing at a fast rate. Sites such as YNAB have also gained a lot of traction.

Intuit, the company who originally made Quicken, sold the Quicken product to HIG Capital, a private equity company. Intuit is concentrating on cloud and online services with its popular (and free) mint website as well as its Quickbooks product for small business. They also make the popular TurboTax software. Quicken and Mint, despite having functionality, were never integrated over the seven year period after Intuit acquired Mint in 2009.

I already did a Quicken 2016 review earlier this year in April. The 2016 updates were largely minor and it wasn’t worth upgrading if you had Quicken 2015. Although Quicken 2017 is largely a refresh of the user interface to a more modern style, if you use Quicken 2015 there are more reasons to upgrade.

I upgraded because I wanted to review it and because the newer version should have better ongoing support. So I took advantage of the discounted price and redeemed some Microsoft Rewards I’d collected to knock the price down to $50.

Onde comprar.

Quicken 2017 comes in several different versions – Starter ($39.99), Deluxe ($74.99) and Premier ($109.99). There are two more advanced versions for Home & Business ($119.99) and Rental Property Manager ($164.99)

Note: The Starter Edition does not download data from higher versions of Quicken , so if you’re planning to downgrade keep this in mind.

If you are interested in purchasing Quicken, I suggest you shop around instead of buying directly from Intuit or using their Quicken upgrade offer. I bought my version of Quicken Premier 2017 from Amazon for $65.95 , a 40% discount from the ‘official’ $109.99 price. Quicken have a promotion for the same price until the end of the month. Quicken Deluxe 2017 is $44.95 at the time I wrote this, compared to the official $74.99.

Quicken Editions.

The Starter edition is only for new Quicken users as it doesn’t offer the ability to import older Quicken files. The Deluxe version is the standard version for most people and you only need the Premier version if you have investments at brokerages which you want to manage and review.

You can see a more detailed comparison at Quicken’s site. I use the investing features which are only available with Quicken Premier so that’s the only version I’m interested in.

All versions of Quicken work with a free mobile app. I’ve never used the app nor have I ever found myself needing to use one, so I won’t really comment on that. But it’s there if you want it. I turn off the “cloud synchronizing” feature which enables the mobile app functionality.

Installation and upgrade.

Since I bought my copy from Amazon, I simply needed to download the 219MB installation file and run it.

After being greeted by the welcome screen above, installation was painless. It took about 30s to uninstall Quicken 2016 and install Quicken 2017. Now I think my data file is pretty big at 128MB as I have transactions going back to 2009, but it imported everything without any problems and I had no issues starting up Quicken afterwards. The file format hasn’t changed at all since I was able to load my new Quicken 2017 file into Quicken 2016 without any problems.

The installation does backup your Quicken 2016 file, so if something did go wrong you can always reinstall the older version and open up the saved file.

IDs, Passwords and Security.

I didn’t have to fuss about license keys or anything like that during the installation, although I did need to enter my “Intuit ID” to register. This is an online ID which works across a range of Intuit products, although I wonder for how much longer considering they’re separate companies now.

Also in this version, Quicken asked for my mobile number and sent a two-factor code for protecting my account which was good. Even more convenient was how the SMS popped up as a windows 10 notification on my computer so I didn’t even have to dig out my phone.

The passwords in Quicken can be a little confusing – there are potentially three of them.

This is used to register & login to the online website / mobile app. It is also needed whenever a new update is available, as you’re asked to enter this from time to time when using Quicken.

File Password.

You can protect the Quicken data file using a password. This means you can only open the file after entering the password.

Vault Password.

Your login credentials to online banks are stored in a ‘vault’ which has a separate password. Eeven if you don’t password protect your file (I don’t), then the Vault password needs to be entered the first time you download transactions from banks after starting Quicken. This process was simplified in Quicken 2016 so it’s a one-click operation after entering the password.

New Features for 2017.

Here’s a summary of the three new features which are being offered for your hard-earned money in this version:

New look that’s easier to use. This is just a straightforward re-skin of the user interface for the most part. Buttons are now flat and there’s more ‘blue’ in the screens. This upgrade does make working on higher resolution screens a little easier. New Mobile App. You can track investments on the go, enter transactions manually (even when offline) and search for transactions. Connect to Zillow. With the Premier version, you can automatically download the ZEstimate value of your house.

Mac users get a couple of extra features.

Quicken Bill Pay . For the princely sum of $9.95 a month it’s now a bit easier to pay bills online with Quicken and the add-on Quicken Bill Pay service. Let me think about that: Ally bank does that for free from their mobile app / website and even pays the postage when mailing a check; Quicken charges $10 a month. Hmm & # 8230; a tough call. (Some banks may also offer a Quicken compatible service for free or for a charge) Easier upgrade from Windows to Mac. The Mac version can now understand a Windows Quicken file better. They listed this as a new feature last year too. Create custom reports. You can customize reports to look at specific accounts and time periods.

Reasons to upgrade.

One of the main reasons for you to buy Quicken 2017 is because of the Discontinuation Policy.

Quicken provides phone and chat support for products per the above policy; it’s usually for 3 years. This also applies to some Quicken features such as downloading bank transactions. If you’re using Quicken 2014, those features will be disabled after April 2017 so you must upgrade before then if you wish to use continue those features.

I think part of the problem with Quicken is that it’s like Microsoft Word / Excel. It already does so much; there’s little more that it really needs to do. This is a software application that’s been around since 1983 after all. So upgrades do tend to be a bit underwhelming – most of the changes are probably ‘under the hood’ or to improve usability.

If you’re using Quicken 2016 there’s really no compelling reason to upgrade. However you might want to consider upgrading if you.

Want continued connectivity for downloading transactions through 2020. Want access to the ‘latest and greatest’ software / support. Like the new mobile app features. Use Quicken on higher resolution screens and find the screens to cluttered.

If you use Quicken 2015 or earlier, there are more reasons to upgrade. You’ll get continued connectivity for downloading online transactions and investment data.

The new look and feel.

Here’s a before (Quicken 2016) and after (Quicken 2017) comparison of the new user interface, showing the investment register.

Quicken 2016 – Before…

It’s a very cramped / compact layout with different user interface styles in various parts of the screen.

Quicken 2017 – After…

Quicken 2017 adds more spacing around text and controls which can help when using the application with a touch-based laptop. It’s a step in the right direction, although there still seems to be quite a bit of needless chrome in the screens, and the screen redraws seem fairly slow compared to something like Excel or Word (this was true of Quicken 2016 too).

New Zillow Connection.

I’m actually not big on tracking Net Worth – I use my Wet Worth instead which excludes house prices and retirement accounts.

But I do tend to keep an eye on my house price and Quicken 2017 now allows you to automatically download the estimated price for your house based on Zillow’s ZEstimate. I take the estimate with a grain of salt, but it’s nice to see any longer term trend in house prices. The connection worked first time – I just needed to enter my house address and it downloaded the current (ridiculously high) estimate from Zillow.

New mobile app features.

The updated Quicken 2017 mobile app adds investment tracking and offline use, so it can be useful if you’re using an android tablet or iPad. I use a Microsoft Surface Pro 4 tablet around the house and when travelling which runs the full Windows application.

Features I don’t personally use.

I’m probably not the average Quicken user, so here’s a quick overview of some of the Quicken features that I don’t use but that someone might find useful. I’ll mention why I don’t use them as I go. There’s not much difference from the 2016 version except for the styling as mentioned above.

Bill Reminder.

You can enter all your bills, recurring or one-time charges and Quicken will flag you that you need to pay them when the time comes. When you pay (or say that you have paid) the bills they’re entered into your account register.

This screen is functionally the same as in Quicken 2016, although this year I’m showing the “Stack” view for extra style. The tab view along the top has been made blue and the second level menu is more consistent in style.

The bill reminder feature will try to estimate your bills using historical data if they are variable amounts and can’t get the billing info from an online provider.

I don’t use this feature however since I automate every bill payment as either an automatic credit card or bank payment, and track them in Excel. Entering them into Quicken in advance just means extra work for me. I just confirm that bills have been paid when the automatic bank download imports them.

Projected Balances.

Based on your future bills and spending, Quicken can project your future balance. This can help you avoid being overdrawn as Quicken is currently projecting for me in February next year.

Of course, it’d probably help if I added my salary as a ‘bill’ so that Quicken knows there’s money headed my way. But the only time I look at this screen is when I’m reviewing Quicken. Personally I’m OCD about my future balances in Excel so I let it slide here.

Quicken will set up an automatic bill for personal loans and mortgages to track them and project the future balance.

Each transaction in Quicken can be tagged with categories (and sub-categories). Budgets can be created with fixed amounts and can be set to roll-over from month to month if desired. Here’s a sample screenshot from my file. I was surprised to see some budgets set up so I must have played with it in the dim and distant past. There are also some alternate views I’m not showing here e. g. you can see a yearly view with the balance / budget of each month etc.

For some reason I just have trouble visualizing budgets like this, even though I know it’s really the same information that I have in the Excel file I use. I’m just much happier using Excel and my ‘budget’ process is more about keeping tabs on spending than imposing a monthly constraint.

Planejamento financeiro.

Quicken offers some tools for Debt Reduction, Lifetime Goals and Savings Goals.

The Debt Reduction and Savings Goals are the usual calculators allowing you to see the effects of additional payments etc. I’ve not tried them but I expect they’ll generate future transactions in your file and help show your progress to pay down debt or reach a savings target.

The lifetime goals tool is interesting though; it’s another wizard type tool that is similar to tools from Fidelity, Personal Capital, Vanguard and other brokerages. However it tries to fill out the details such as income and expenses etc. based on the history in your data file. The initial screen looks like this and is unchanged from Quicken 2016.

The results (as well as the graph color – purple is the new yellow it seems) have changed from last year’s review though. I’m not sure that Quicken is considering my intent to live of dividend income into its plan either.

As far as I can tell it grows the Taxable and Tax-Advantaged accounts that you selected with your estimated growth rates. It then decreases them per your living expenses when you reach retirement age. Sadly it said that I should only expect to live until I’m 82 years old, which is 37 years away. Although apparently I might make it another ten years as a stretch goal!

Quicken will update the results as time progresses based on your current account balances. You can also explore “What If” scenarios and see the results. It might be worth digging into the numbers / assumptions more in a subsequent post, but I do my future projections in … you guessed it, Excel.

Mortgage & debt calculators.

If you have a mortgage, Quicken provides charts and reports to review the effects of additional payments or re-financing. It’s all pretty good and it’ll calculate interest and principal payments for your mortgage and categorize them appropriately. Nothing that isn’t available online but here it’s all linked with your account transactions.

Quicken also includes a Debt Reduction calculator to estimate the interest on your debt and create a payment plan.

Reports, Reports, Reports.

Quicken has a huge number of reports that it can generate. Net Worth, Cash Flow, Investment Performance, Spending comparisons, you name it. I’ve showed some in the screen capture below.

At the bottom of the list is the cool “Easy Answer” wizard where you can select questions such as “Am I saving more or less compared to last year?” and it’ll produce a report to answer your question. The reports can all be produced manually via the reporting / query tools but the questions get you straight to the specific report that you want.

I’ve just never found myself asking Quicken those questions, but you certainly can if you want to.

Features I actually use every day.

So that’s a lot of features that I don’t actually use! You’re probably wondering why I even bothered to upgrade and what I actually do use in Quicken. Well here they are.

Linked transactions.

Quicken tries to link every transaction between two accounts. So if you transfer money from Checking to Savings, it’s one transaction and has a “from” and a “to” conta. This is handy because it allows you to navigate from one account to the other. You can click on the deposit and then navigate to the outgoing transaction. Likewise changing the amount in one account will change the amount in the other account since they’re linked. It requires some logic to match up transactions and sometimes Quicken needs a little help. I’ve even had two entries in one account link to a single entry in another account which is, well, wrong.

You can always work-around this; for example you can simply withdraw cash or add and remove investments without requiring a second account. But the majority of transactions are linked and show flows between accounts.

Online account synchronization.

Quicken can connect to all my accounts and download the latest transactions. I have a number of savings, checking and brokerage accounts between Vanguard, American Express, Charles Schwab, Chase, Barclays, Fidelity, HSBC and Capital One. Quicken can pull all this information in one go.

This is the feature I use the most as it allows me to review all transactions going through all my accounts and helps me check off the transactions as they occur in my Excel file. The only account it’s not able to access is my HSA account at Bank of America. This also has the dubious honor of being the worst banking website that I have to use.

Note: Mint, Personal Capital and others can do all this too, but what I like about Quicken compared to Mint is that the transactions are linked between accounts as I mentioned above.

Historical Investment Cost Basis.

This is the feature I use next often. Quicken provides a very simple interface for viewing the value of your portfolio on any given date. This feature works on all investment accounts since Quicken downloads the historical price data for each stock / fund that you own.

Here for example is a portion of my Capital One account, showing my LNT purchases and associated cost data. By changing the date in the “As of” field at the top, I can go back in time and see values on different dates which helps me in producing monthly and yearly reports. Sadly you still can’t go forward in time and look at future stock prices. That’d be a feature worth buying!

The little report icon to the right of the stock name links to news relating to that company such as dividend increases and other events.

Consolidated stock data.

I’ve also recently started using a custom investment view. This allows me to look at all my individual stock holdings across all brokerages and it adds fundamental data too. You can create a specific view containing the investment holdings you select as well as choosing the columns to be displayed from a long list of fundamental data values.

The view below is for one I created for all individual stocks in my Income Fund, aggregated across brokerages. The columns are those I typically look at when considering new purchases and in this screen I’ve hovered over the news report where links to company news are located.

Expense Categorization.

Quicken allows each transaction to be classified with a category so I occasionally use that feature when reconciling with my Excel sheet where I budget based on categories. It can generate reports that group expenses into each category and provide a breakdown into sub-categories. I’ve used this a few times when the expenses in my accounts don’t match my Excel file.

My Credit Score.

All versions offer a Free Credit score report – this is a quarterly report from Equifax and it offers some basic personalized advice based on your credit report. The Score is not the “FICO” score but the Equifax Credit Score. The report consists of the following sections “Credit Card Usage”, “Payment History”, “Age of Credit”, “Total Accounts”, “Credit Inquiries” and “Derogatory Marks”.

I was at 820 at the time of the last review six months ago so no changes here. Of course it’s a different score (higher) than the one I get through my credit card, but I suppose score trends are more important than absolute credit score numbers .

The Quicken credit score report is available quarterly and provides some explanation on factors which are causing issues with the score. So it’s not that bad. But I get free monthly FICO credit scores from holding the Chase Slate card (no annual fee) and my American Express card provides it too, both of which are better than the quarterly update here. Chase have the best report of the three and use the same score as American Express.

Tracking Investments in Quicken 2017.

Morningstar X-Ray.

Morningstar offer an X-Ray feature if you pay their subscription fee and this analyses your portfolio holdings, breaking them into sector and regions. This can help you see what you really have in your portfolio and what you might be exposed to; particularly if you hold a number of mutual funds.

For example if you hold individual shares in Apple, you might want to limit ownership to say 10% of your total portfolio. But if you also own ETF or index funds, they may hold Apple stocks too so you could own more Apple stock than you think.

Quicken has partnered with Morningstar to offer this feature for free, and the report can be customized to view one or all of your investment & retirement accounts. You may also be able to get access to Morningstar from your local library for free too.

I don’t use this feature much but here are the current results from my Income Fund to give you an idea of the kind of analysis that it produces.

Alocação de ativos.

I’ve moved from “moderately risky” to “aggressive” now that bonds and cash in my Income Fund have fallen below 40%.

Investments by Region.

Compared to last year my US sector allocation increased from 73% to 78% at the expense of Europe and Asia. My low allocation to Japan has even generated a warning.

Since the Quicken 2016 review, I’ve switched from Vanguard’s Total International Stock Market fund (VTIAX) to the Vanguard International High Dividend Yield Index Fund Admiral Shares fund (VIHAX). So the new allocation is essentially saying that not many Japanese companies are paying high dividend yields at the moment. I wrote about global international dividend trends recently.

Stock Sectors Summary.

The report includes a more details stock sector allocation which can be compared to the S&P 500 or a similar investment style benchmark.

Stock & amp; Bond Style.

The portfolio has moved even more towards Large Value stocks. This is not too surprising. Most high-yield dividend stocks tend to be Value stocks and I favor large-cap stocks for the most part.

Investment Type & Honorários.

No warnings this time – in my Quicken 2016 review this April I was flagged for being over-allocated to Slow Growth and under-allocated to Aggressive Growth. I’ve not paid any attention to this attribute in any purchasing decision, so I arrived at the current allocation by happenstance.

Stock Intersection.

The stock intersection view shows how the individual stocks you hold are held by other investment funds or ETFs. In my case, Microsoft is one my largest individual stock positions and it’s also one of the largest holdings in VHDYX.

Investment performance.

There are also a number of investment reports that can be customized based on the securities you select. The reports can be quite interesting if you want to compare your portfolio’s performance to major stock indexes etc. Here’s my updated Capital One account performance compared to the S&P and other indexes.

I’m never exactly sure what’s being compared in these type of performance charts so I don’t pay them much attention. I don’t believe these particular results either, especially since dividends aren’t included in the calculations. The index data only goes back 5 years which is pretty bad too.

Quicken in daily use.

I usually use Quicken once a day to download transactions and keep an eye on my accounts. For the most part, it’s trouble free and works well.

Online connections.

Chase connectivity has been intermittent in the past but very reliable recently. My Amex Savings account currently isn’t syncing but I don’t use that account for much so I manually enter transactions for the moment.

I’ve always been able to contact support when needed although it’s a fairly lengthy process. Phone / Chat support has been pretty good and has resolved any issue I’ve had. So no complaints there, only procrastination on my part in getting the Amex connection fixed.

Investment Tracking.

It can be a fair amount of work to keep the investment data correct with investment accounts especially. Some brokerages are better than others; I have a lot less issues with Capital One for example. However the Vanguard import in particular can get confused due to delays in the transactions between institutions, and the use of a money market sweep fund vs a cash account.

So you do need to babysit the transactions and make sure everything gets linked up correctly. However most of the time transactions, even those from stock splits and mergers, get handled correctly.

This isn’t a must-upgrade by any means, but pretty good if you like Quicken and are using one of the older versions. You may also value the new mobile app functionality and better support that Quicken 2017 has in which case it’s definitely worth it.

On the other hand, if you’re using Mint or Personal Capital or some other free service, there’s likely little value here in Quicken unless you’re OCD like I am and want total control over all transactions. I find the investment data useful, but that too can be found at some online brokerages. Brokerages also have analyst reports that I find useful which aren’t available in Quicken.

The Starter Edition does give you a means to check your Credit Score quarterly for the next several years for.

$29.99 which is cheaper than many credit monitoring services (e. g. IdentityGuard, Experian, Lifelock etc). You don’t get the credit monitoring aspect of those services thought. Alternatively you can get a Chase Slate card or similar and obtain free credit scores.

I hope you found this Quicken 2017 review useful. Let me know if you have any questions about it. I don’t get paid to promote Quicken so I try to highlight both the good and the bad. However I do earn a small payment if you buy Quicken via Amazon from this page.

Quote of the day.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

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